Guides and Tutorials

PART: TM Feed Lips

The TM Feed Lips modification involves swapping out the stock feed lips on a clone magazine (ASG/STTI/etc) and replacing them with Tokyo Marui feed lips.
What does it do?
The reason this modification is performed is mainly to resolve feeding and nozzle movement issues that can occur due to molding and tolerance differences when using a clone magazine within a TM pistol. It's also a worthwhile mod if the clone feed lips become damage due to improper loading of BB's through the feed lips instead of the magazine BB channel.
Why do you need it?
The opening in the TM feed lips is larger than the clone counterparts which can allow for BB's to pass through with more ease, and in addition, the channel in the lips that the bottom of the nozzle passes through is also wider. The wider channel on the lips reduces the risk of "Sticky trigger" or the nozzle failing to return back through the feed lips after delivering a BB to the hop rubber.
How do I modify/install it?
The feed lips can be replaced in the following steps:
Place the magazine upright so that the spring is facing you.
Lay the magazine down so that the right side of the magazine is against the surface.
Using a small screwdriver or hole punch, locate and tap out the pin directly beneath the feed lip.
(Optional) You may need to lay the magazine down the opposite way to step 2 if the pin is mounted in the opposite direction, this is because the pin has a thread on one end and will not pass through the wrong way.
With the pin removed, pull down the magazine follower slightly to relieve pressure on the feed lip.
Lift up and remove the feed lip.
(Optional) If the rubber gasket does not come out with the feed lip there is no need to remove it but it is often best to do so to ensure a flush fit when seating it to the new feed lip.
Taking the new TM feed lip, pull down the magazine follower slightly and place the TM feed lip over the rubber gasket and press down to ensure a secure and flush fit.
Continue applying pressure on the feed lip to keep it in position, then replace the pin from the same end that it was removed from, ensuring the threaded side of the pin faces outward.
Tap the pin back in to the magazine. Check that all areas appear flush and test the magazine.
For more information, please see the following installation video (For 1911, but applies to MK23), here.

Tokyo Marui magazines feature a pressure release/blow-out valve as a safety measure to meet Japanese Airsoft FPS laws. The valve opens when a specific PSI pressure in the gas reservoir is met, and once opened can not be resealed and will result in what we know as a magazine leak. This mod, which requires the user permanently seal the release valve, is considered a "must" for any user wishing to use a high pressure gas such as Propane in their Tokyo Marui magazines. This mod does not apply to a clone MK23 (ASG, STTI, Y&P, etc) magazines.
What does it do?
This mod permanently seals the blow-out valve using epoxy or super glue, preventing the magazine from leaking gas from the base plate (assuming good o-ring seal).
Why do you need it?
In addition to preventing leakage, it also allows the user to fill the magazine with higher pressure gas, such as Propane without the fear of the blow-out valve from venting.
How do I modify/install it?
Due to the relative difficulty of this mod, the process is best explained through image and video guides. Thanks to contributions in the community, you can view detailed guides here, here and this blog post.

The clone MK23 magazines may have their design advantages over the MK23 (such as their ability to handle higher pressure gases out of the box), but unfortunately one flaw in their design is that of the magazine BB channel was molded in such a way that it is not possible to load BB's from the BB channel as it is on the TM magazine. This mod increases the width of the BB channel so that the user can load BB's from the bottom up.
What does it do?
Widening the magazine BB channel with a file or dremmel tool allows the user to load BB's in to the magazine channel from the bottom up, as is common practice on the TM MK23 and other pistols. By loading BB's in to the magazine from the magazine channel as intended, users no longer need to load BB's directly from the feed lips; a method which usually causes the feed lips to eventually become damage.
Why do you need it?
For faster reloading of your clone magazine and preventing damage to the feed lips that will later cause feeding issues, this modification is required for all non TM magazines.
How do I modify/install it?
This magazine channel can be widened by following these steps:
Place the magazine upright so that the spring is facing you.
Lay the magazine down so that the right side of the magazine is against the surface.
Using a small screwdriver or hole punch, locate and tap out the pin directly beneath the feed lip.
(Optional) You may need to lay the magazine down the opposite way to step 2 if the pin is mounted in the opposite direction, this is because the pin has a thread on one end and will not pass through the wrong way.
With the pin removed, pull down the magazine follower slightly to relieve pressure on the feed lip.
Lift up and remove the feed lip.
Remove the magazine follower and spring.
With a file or dremmel tool ready, locate the section of the magazine channel where the channel becomes thinner inwards and towards the upper part of the magazine.
Gently begin to file away material on the left side of the channel, below the section where the channel thins. This will begin to increase the width of the channel.
Continue to file material away on the left side, stopping briefly to measure the width by attempting to place a BB in the channel and testing that the BB can pass through in to the channel easily.
When you are comfortable with the modified with of the channel, clean away any excess metal shavings from the channel.
Replace the magazine spring and magazine follower.
Replace the TM Feed Lip.
Continue applying pressure on the feed lip to keep it in position, then replace the pin from the same end that it was removed from, ensuring the threaded side of the pin faces outward.
Tap the pin back in to the magazine. Check that all areas appear flush and test the magazine.
MODIFICATION: Double Action Removal

By default, the MK23 features a double action (or two stage) trigger. The first stage involves the loading of the BB in to the hop up and locking the hammer in to a "ready" position, and the second stage releases the lock on the hammer to activate the valve knocker in order to propel the BB. This mod removes the part responsible for providing the double action feature and converts the trigger to a single action pull.
What does it do?
The removal of the double action trigger mechanism part from general trigger assembly converts the double action trigger to a single action function. It allows the user to load and fire the BB in one single trigger movement and also removes 1 audible click from weapon when firing.
Removing this part also prevents the user from pre-loading a BB without firing and has the consequence that if the trigger is pulled half way, and then returning to neutral because the shot was canceled, an additional BB will be loaded in to the hop up on the next trigger pull. This can result in a double feed.
Why do you need it?
Whilst most users consider the double action trigger a positive feature of the MK23, newer members to the MK23 platform who have typically only used single action GBB's with very responsive triggers find the double action trigger to be difficult to get used to and a negative feature of the MK23. For those users or for those looking to acquire a faster trigger pull in general, removal of this part is pretty much the only option without using a weaker trigger spring (which brings with it other pro's and cons).
How do I modify/install it?
Due to the need for the user to remove and open internal trigger mechanism, this mod is technically more challenging and requires additional images to help guide you through it's modification process. Please refer to the relevant blog entry post, here.
MODIFICATION: Magwell Padding

In this mod, the inside of the magazine well is modified to include thin strips of padding to help eliminate tolerance issues such as wobble, feed lip alignment and magazine loss. The padding used is usually a small piece of adhesive backed loop velcro.
What does it do?
By lining the mouth or walls of the magazine well with thin padding, the tolerance differences between the fit of the magazine and the magazine well itself can be shimmed to improve the fit of the magazine. This shimming process eliminates magazine rattle within the grip of the gun, helps keep the magazine centrally aligned in the magazine well and keeps the magazine lips in position to receive the nozzle.
Why do you need it?
The addition of the padding in the magazine well is a sure way to eliminate magazine rattle caused by the empty space between the magazine and the magazine wall well. It also helps keep your nozzle lined up with your feed lips to improve feeding and potentially increase FPS (10-30). Due to the pressure applied on the magazine by the padding, the padding also improves retention of the magazine in the event of accidental magazine release.
How do I modify/install it?
Installation of this mod is as followers:
Remove the magazine from the pistol.
Prepare two strips of adhesive backed velcro, between 1cm and 2cm in length and 0.5cm in width.
Face the magazine well upright and inspect it to locate the narrow channel running along the middle of each wall of the magazine well. This channel is roughly 1cm wide.
Place a strip of the velcro in between the channel edges just after the channel begins.
Repeat this for the other side of the magazine wall. Then run your finger over each strip to ensure a good contact with the adhesive.
After placing both strips of velcro in the magazine wall, insert a loaded magazine.
Ensure that pistol can cycle rounds whilst the magazine is loaded.
If you have feeding issues, adjust the placement of the velcro strips and try again until the issue is resolved.
MODIFICATION: Hammer Padding

This mod is the most common means to reduce the metallic noise of the hammer action, but also serves as a quick and reliable way to reduce the FPS output from the magazine valve. A small piece of impact absorbent material is added to the surface of the trigger mechanism that directly receives the impact of the hammer.
What does it do?
By placing the absorbent material, such as a small (2mm) foam or rubber on the trigger mechanism, the audible impact of the hammer action is dampened. The thicker the material used, the greater the dampening to both the sound and the FPS output. The reason why the FPS is decreased with this mod is due to the reduced tension from the hammer spring as it has less travel when the material buffer is added. With less tension, the valve knocker has less force to depress the magazine flow valve and release gas in to the barrel.
Why do you need it?
If you play in an area or site that has specific FPS engagement rules, you may be looking to reduce the FPS output of your MK23 without reducing the length of your barrel or using a lower powered propellant. By adding the absorbent material, you can reduce FPS by as much as 30 depending on the thickness of the material. If you are simply looking to reduce the mechanical impact noise of the hammer, this is probably the best option to do so.
How do I modify/install it?
There are several ways to add this mod to your MK23, one includes removing the entire trigger mechanism from the body of the pistol, the other is to do the mod externally whilst the pistol is assembled. These steps assume the later:
Manually lock the hammer back with your thumb.
Cut a small 2mm (W) x 2mm (L) x 2mm (D) piece of rubber or foam to act as your padding. An old hop up rubber may work well for this.
Locate the flat vertical surface in the hammer area where the hammer naturally strikes, opposite the hammer.
Measure and adjust your piece of padding against this area, cut and adjust the size to ensure a flush fit if needed.
Using superglue, glue the padding to the metallic surface. Allow to dry.
Test the hammer action through normal trigger use.
Take FPS measurements.
Increase or decrease the thickness of your padding as needed until satisfied with FPS and noise result.
For more information, please see this forum post with illustrations, here.

Another clever community addition, this mod helps overcome the struggle between glove and magazine follower as you try to keep your keep your grip whilst speed loading fresh BB's in to the magazine. Glove or no glove, this is a must have for magazine loading.
What does it do?
This mod uses a small screw (1 - 1.4M in size) which is drilled or self tapped in to the outward surface of the magazine follower. Once the screw is in in place, it offers an extra point of contact on the follower to assist in providing much needed grip whilst the user tries to pull down the follower with a single finger to allow for speed loading. The screw when added to the follower does not cause any feeding or insertion issues.
Why do you need it?
If you have ever attempted to add new rounds in to your magazine during the heat of a game, in wet conditions whilst wearing gloves, you will surely relate to the difficulty of trying to keep your grip on the magazine follower whilst you hastily use a speed loader to add new rounds. This mod provides that much needed grip on the follower to allow you to effortlessly keep one finger in control in any condition, with or without gloves. Even whilst loading up in the safezone, this mod takes away the pressure of keeping the follower down by the tip of your finger nail.
How do I modify/install it?
There are several ways to add this mod to your magazine; one includes drilling in to the magazine follower to make a guide hole for the screw, the other uses a self tapping screw which is screwed directly in to the follower. These steps assume the later:
Place the magazine upright so that the spring is facing you.
Lay the magazine down so that the right side of the magazine is against the surface.
Using a small screwdriver or hole punch, locate and tap out the pin directly beneath the feed lip.
(Optional) You may need to lay the magazine down the opposite way to step 2 if the pin is mounted in the opposite direction, this is because the pin has a thread on one end and will not pass through the wrong way.
With the pin removed, pull down the magazine follower slightly to relieve pressure on the feed lip.
Lift up and remove the feed lip.
Remove the magazine follower and spring.
Using your self-tapping screw, place the screw in middle or lower section of the textured grip area on on external face of the magazine follower. Ensure that the curved edge of the follower used to push BB's upwards is pointing away from you.
Take a screwdriver and begin to fasten the screw, allowing it to thread in to the plastic.
Fasten the screw so that the metal head of the screw is flush with the surface of the follower.
Inspect the underside of the follower and ensure that the screw tip does not go further than the depth of the follower as this will cause the follower to scratch / drag along the magazine channel.
eplace the magazine spring and magazine follower.
Replace the Feed Lip.
Continue applying pressure on the feed lip to keep it in position, then replace the pin from the same end that it was removed from, ensuring the threaded side of the pin faces outward.
Tap the pin back in to the magazine. Check that all areas appear flush and test the magazine follower and that the magazine easily inserts/ejects from the magwell.
MODIFICATION: Magazine Retention Strap

The fear of accidentally losing a magazine during a game crosses every player's mind at one point or another, but it is something that no player should ever actually have to worry about happening to them. With the right precautions, having a magazine catch accidentally releasing the magazine from their MK23 can be entirely prevented. This mod add's an extra level of retention to keep your magazine in your pistol
What does it do?
The mod takes a strip of elastic material, be it rubber, bungee cord or nylon sewing elastic and has it wrapped around the base of the pistol grip and fastened to the grip itself. With the elastic strip wrapped around the base of the grip, the magazine while inserted, can not leave the magwell as it is caught between the elastic strip. The strip itself is secured to the grip under tension using adhesive tape, such as camo tape and can be easily moved out of position by adding a pull tab to the strap for easier handling. The width of the strip should ideally be about 20mm in size to provide good coverage of the magazine base.
Why do you need it?
The benefit of using an elastic material strap for the retention is that the user is able to easily pull the strap to one side and out of the path of the magazine's travel during reloads. Once the reload is complete, the strap is pulled back in to position and continues to provide retention. Although this modification changes the aesthetics of the weapon somewhat, the added security and knowing that your magazine will not be lost during games is invaluable and well worth the slight change to the weapons appearance
How do I modify/install it?
Installation of this mod is very easy to perform using the following steps:
Fully insert the magazine in to the pistol so that it locks in position.
Measure a length of the elastic material that will be used for the strip so that it sits flush against the base of the magazine and is of equal length on each side of the grip (roughly half way up the grip should be fine).
Cut to a desired length.
With the strip cut, place the strip in the middle of the underside of the magazine base.
Ensure that the strip is centered on the magazine base so that equal lengths are on each side of the grip.
Using adhesive tape, wrap the tape around the strip on the grip. Apply equal upwards tension to the strap as you wrap tape around it so that the strap is stretched slightly as it is secured in place.
Once the strap is secured to the grip, a pull tab can be added to the strap for easier handling. This can be a piece of paracord tied to the strap, a zip tie, or anything else that allows for better access to the strap.
Test the function of the strap and ensure that it provides suitable retention. Adjust the strap position if you require more or less retention.