Guides and Tutorials
| 1. RANGE |

The Top Down Center Cover (TDC) is an aftermarket replacement part from Hadron Airsoft Designs for the standard dust cover. The TDC cover contains a small grub screw that applies pressure on the top of the hop arm that is located directly beneath it within the hop assembly. The part is compatible with all NBB MK23's.
What does it do?
When the grub screw in the TDC cover is lowered down upon the hop arm, it applies direct pressure to the hop arm much like the standard hop wheel does, but in a more central and constant position than is possible with the standard hop wheel, removing the need to rely on the standard hop wheel to apply hop up. Once the TDC is mounted on the MK23, the hop can be adjusted externally with an allen key at the top of the pistol without the need for any disassembly of the slide.
Why do you need it?
The constant and fixed position provided by the TDC ensures increased shot stability (due to the downward pressure keeping the hop arm in position) and the ability to lift heavier weight BB's than standard. The TDC is an upgrade worth consideration by any MK23 user, whether it is for the consistent hop on lower weight ammunition, or the ability to use 0.50g BB's for precision carbine long range shooting. For many, it's considered a must have.
You can find more information about the TDC here.
How do I modify/install it?
In short the TDC can be installed by the following steps:
Remove the slide from the body.
Remove the hop assembly/barrel unit from the slide.
Remove the dust cover from the assembly, removing the spring beneath the dust cover at the same time.
Add the TDC cover to the hop assembly in place of the dust cover.
Add the hop assembly back in to the slide.
Add the slide back on to the body.
Adjust the grub screw and test fire the MK23 until hop is applied to your liking.
For a video demonstration, please click here.
PART: H-Plate

The H-Plate is yet another aftermarket part from Hadron Airsoft Designs. The H plate is designed to fit under the standard hop arm where it fits snugly between the two prongs of the arm that would naturally apply pressure to the hop up bucking. This part is 3D printed.
What does it do?
Although very similar in design to the Maple Leaf i-Key, the wider, snugger fit of the H-Plate ensures that there is no movement of the of part when placed in it's centralized position under the hop arm. The underside of the H Plate features a long concave curve just like the i-Key, but the contact area is smaller and at a wider angle than the i-Key, this results in a very stable BB flight, especially at heavier BB weights.
Why do you need it?
If you are looking to have the capability to lift heavier weight BB's you're going to need to consider modifying the hop arm in a way that ensures the greatest amount of bucking to BB contact in order to ensure longer flight times. The H-Plate is the most compact and assured way to achieve a long contact surface, and was proportionately designed to work in co-operation with the TDC (best with V2 and above) cover, which as you already know from the previous entry, is a key to achieving heavyweight long range shots. In addition, the concave underside performs incredibly well with the Maple Leaf concave hop up buckings, mostly commonly used in MK23's today.
How do I modify/install it?
In short the H-Plate is installed by the following steps:
Remove the slide from the body.
Remove the hop assembly/barrel unit from the slide.
Remove the dust cover from the assembly, removing the spring beneath the dust cover at the same time.
Remove the center screw / pin from the outer barrel.
Slide off the outer barrel from the assembly.
Remove the two assembly body screws.
Separate the two assembly body halves with the barrel kept in place and laid flat and exposed on a surface.
Remove the hop wheel from the body assembly (Optional: For TDC cover users only).
Place the H-Plate with the dot facing upwards and towards the barrel end of assembly between the two prongs of the hop arm.
Place the hop arm with the H-Plate fitted on to the hop up bucking within the hop assembly.
Combine the other half of the hop assembly to return it to once piece and then adjust the hop arm whilst seated in the assembly to ensure a central hop arm position.
Return the two assembly body screws.
Return the outer barrel to the assembly.
Return the center screw / pin to the outer barrel.
Add the TDC cover to the body assembly (Optional: For TDC cover users only).
Return the dust cover spring and dust cover (If not using a TDC cover).
Return the hop assembly to the slide.
Return the slide to the body.
Adjust the TDC grub screw as needed.
Please note that the H-Plate is best suited to an OPEN windowed barrel and for use in an ASG, STTI, and TM MK23. The H-Plate can not be used at the same time as an i-Key, only one can used at a time.
For more information, please see the installation instructions provided here.
PART: i-Key

The i-Key is the original aftermarket part from Maple Leaf designed to fit beneath the standard hop arm. Made of CNC aluminum, the i-Key fits between the two prongs of the arm to apply concave pressure to the hop bucking.
What does it do?
The i-Key, when fitted between the prongs of the hop arm applies a downward pressure on the hub rubber, which due to the concave curved surface beneath the i-Key creates a wide contact surface area within the hop up bucking. The increased contact surface area allows for the user to have better applied hop up when using heavier weight BB's and ensures more stable flight. The i-Key is best suited for use in conjunction with the Maple Leaf Diamond / Autobot hop up buckings due to their long contact patch mounds.
Why do you need it?
The i-Key, when placed correctly upon the hop up bucking can provide very consistent improvements to ensure long range and stable shots whilst using heavier weighted BB's. The thickness of the i-Key creates additional pressure on the hop up rubber that is otherwise absent on the standard hop up arm and due to the material used, incurs little to no flex as the amount of hop pressure is increased on the i-Key. The i-Key was designed without a TDC in mind, so it performs well enough when using the stock hop arm and dust cover, but it is still recommended that one use a TDC to apply an even top down pressure on the arm with the i-Key installed.
How do I modify/install it?
Please see the instructions for the H-Plate, as the procedure is identical for installation of the i-Key.
One common mod that users have found helpful when mounting the i-Key to the hop arm is to add a small tube of heatshrink over the arm whilst the i-Key is perfectly centered in the arm. When the heatshrink is heated, it forms a tight seal over the arm to help keep the i-Key from moving during use. Other users have found that using super glue to attach the i-Key permanently to a centered position on the hop up bucking to work very well for long term stability.
Please note that the i-Key is best suited to an OPEN windowed barrel and for use in an ASG, STTI, and TM MK23. The i-Key can not be used at the same time as an H-Plate, only one can used at a time.
MODIFICATION: Modified Wire Hop Arm

The Modified Wire Hop Arm is a take on the classic "Do It Yourself" mod to the standard hop arm to apply additional pressure to the hop up bucking using readily available materials without the reliance of an aftermarket part.
What does it do?
The wire hop arm mod traditionally uses the rubber casing of an electrical wire cut in half and then applied across the width of the prongs on the hop arm. With the wire casing applied to the prongs on the arm, it acts like a hop up nub which increases the pressure on the rubber. With this mod, users are capable of lifting BB weights up to 0.40g and possibly higher.
Why do you need it?
If you are on a budget and want to make the most of your MK23's range without the use of aftermarket parts, this is the single most effective way to increase the range of your pistol and enable the use of heavy weight BB's. Without this modification, the standard pistol can effectively only hop up to 0.28g BB's. This modification was the "go to" upgrade prior to the release of the TDC cover.
How do I modify/install it?
In short the Wire Hop Arm is installed by the following steps:
Remove the slide from the body.
Remove the hop assembly/barrel unit from the slide.
Remove the dust cover from the assembly, removing the spring beneath the dust cover at the same time.
Remove the center screw / pin from the outer barrel.
Slide off the outer barrel from the assembly.
Remove the two assembly body screws.
Separate the two assembly body halves with the barrel kept in place and laid flat and exposed on a surface.
Remove the hop arm from the assembly.
Taking an electrical wire, cut the wire in half, clearing it from any fibers so that only the rubber remains.
Place the rubber wire half over the width of the hop arm prongs and cut the wire to size to fit the width of hop arm.
Glue the wire to the hop arm prongs so the inside of the wire.
Place the hop arm with the wire fitted on to the hop up bucking within the hop assembly.
Combine the other half of the hop assembly to return it to once piece and then adjust the hop arm whilst seated in the assembly to ensure a central hop arm position, hook the hop arm in to the hop wheel.
Return the two assembly body screws.
Return the outer barrel to the assembly.
Return the center screw / pin to the outer barrel.
Return the dust cover spring and dust cover.
Return the hop assembly to the slide.
Return the slide to the body.
Adjust the hop wheel as needed.
This mod is applicable for all MK23 models. Common addition to this mod is to add a tube of heatshrink over the hop arm once the wire is glued to the arm. This is to increase the contact area of the mod on the hop rubber and to keep the wire from loosening over time or deforming.
For more information, please see the the following installation video here.