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This marketplace is strictly for Airsoft MK23 replica and Airsoft MK23 replica accessory listings only and any behavior deemed to be of a scamming nature or listings containing the contrary, firearms, ammunition, or knives will not be tolerated.

Please note the following:


1. This marketplace serves only as a means to bring traders together, a first point of contact between buyer and seller, and will require that all sales posts be listed by a user with a linked Facebook account. Sales are to then be negotiated in private (via Messenger/Private Message) between Buyer and Seller on Facebook in reference to a specific listing on this forum.

Any listing that was not created by a user with a linked Facebook account will be deleted within 72 hours.

2. Listings are not bound by country or region, however the buyer/seller act's at their own risk should they pursue a listing in private. 

ON MY MK is not responsible for any grievances that may arise from a conducted private trade.

For any further information, please contact support at



The Foundry Airsoft Logo
The Hadron Airsoft Designs Logo
The Kickig Mustang Logo

The parent group on Facebook, the true source for all MK23 owners and their discoveries!

Our partner for 3D printed MK23 kits and accessories, including the famous modular carbine kit.

Our partner for truly effective 3D printed suppressors, accessories and the essential TDC cover.

Our partner in the leading designs for 3D printed holsters, pouches, rails and more.

The man behind truly masterful usage of the MK23, and an ambassador for the platform!

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This site is currently for non-profit use, all content on this site has been obtained through author and owner's permission where required. All right's reserved.
Information and retailers / bodies throughout this site are displayed in no particular order and any material promoting one company over another is unintentional.

Need to contact the site owner? Please send an email to

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